Suicide/Emotional Distress: 988
or text "HOME" to : 741741
Substance Use Disorders: : 800-662-4357
More helplines

Suicide/Emotional Distress: 988
or text "HOME" to : 741741
Substance Use Disorders: 800-662-4357
More helplines

Older Players

If you have come to our website to be proactive and just learn what kind of resources are available for mental and emotional health issues, congratulations. Knowledge is a powerful tool. If you are currently experiencing mental or emotional issues, even if you do not know exactly what to call them or what to do, you have come to the right place. You are taking an important first step towards knowing more about what is going on, and what you might be able to do about it. Again, knowledge is the key. We suggest you go first to our RESOURCES page. This is some of the information you will find:

Crisis Intervention and Helpline Numbers

If you have an idea what is bothering you, and you want to talk to someone and get some more information and suggestions, there are many helplines available with people specially trained to talk to you. For example, there are helplines for bullying, eating disorders, domestic violence, runaways, and many other issues. There are helplines that focus on Native Americans, LGBTQIA+ communities, and others. Help and comfort can be just a call away. You can remain anonymous if you choose.

Pages Dedicated to over 20 Mental and Emotional Health Conditions

If you think you know what you might be dealing with or are just trying to learn if a condition might apply to you, you can go to our pages on these various conditions and read articles, or blogs, or find books about many different subjects. There are pages for anxiety, depression, stress, grief, eating disorders, self-image, self-harm, bullying, anger, abuse, fears, and many others. Most articles are from very respected sources such as Psychology Today. These articles describe the symptoms, causes, some actions you can take yourself, treatment options and more. Knowledge is power – understanding more about what you might be dealing with gives you some of that power to cope better.

Professional Help Provider Search Engines

If you are already pretty sure you need or want some professional help, we provide two search engines from Psychological Associations you can use to find a provider. Keep in mind that as a minor, you will need a parent or legal guardian to initiate an appointment, but that does not prevent you from finding some provider options and having some input in this choice.

Links to other National Organizations

Several of these organizations address suicide prevention, two are focused on substance abuse (including alcohol), another is devoted to mental health in general. Another organization, PFLAG, the nation’s first and largest organization working with the LBGTQ community is also included. Many of these organizations have local chapters.


There are a variety of self-tests you can take which may help you decide if you are dealing with a certain condition. Some of these tests are free, while there may be a small charge for others. There is a test for anger issues, another for stress triggers, and even one to determine your romantic personality!

There is a NEWS, UPDATES AND BLOGS page. Here you will find commentary on newsworthy items and some current events, and we will be adding blogs from noted professionals. We also have Website Updates where we note new material added to the website. If you have visited previously and maybe reviewed our pages on one of more conditions, the Updates will quickly inform you if any new material has been added to any of your topics of interest.

Our website will also have a robust search engine. Using this with select key words, you can search the entire site (RESOURCES, UPDATES and BLOGs, etc.) to find specific information.

Finally, if you cannot find something you are looking for, you can contact LiFe Foundation directly using our contact form. We will reply to your message and attempt to find the information you are looking for.